Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Say NO to Plastic Bags


Thanks Sarah !

Most importantly, 3 Cheers and Thank You to Daniel for gracing this occasion, fielding the tough questions, promoting new coffee and new paper coffee cups plus (a bonus to us here) honouring us with the presence of a member of the prestigious SMM at our FAF monthly prize presentation celebration ! The winner for March is Pg Airport store and Dan was flying off from the same airport so, we had a special guest to wow the winning store !

Thanks also to Jun and Tini for your hard work and follow-up in the weeks and days leading up to today's event.

And of course, last but never least, saving the Best for last is a resounding "Syabas !" to my NDT, the one and only Northern Dream Team !

Thank you Lay Yong for hosting this event in such a grand manner and Thank You to each and every single member of NDT (Tina,Soo Cheng,OCs,SMs, CSMs, Stars, Greenlane's management team and crew) who came in full force to help and support us today.

We couldn't have done it without any one of you so once again, Thank You for an outstanding job done !

Let's Go Northern ... Go,Fight,WIN !

Best Regards,


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